Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How do you post on a blog about nothing? Would I have to never post? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the blog existing? It kind of seems redundant, doesn't it? Would all the posts have to follow circle logic and be posts about circles? I'm not sure that's right, is it? I guess not, right? Is it possible to read a blog about nothing? Can you read nothing? If there's nothing on the page are you truly reading it? Does anybody really know? I'm not sure I understand, do you? Can I post text in the shape of a circle? That would really drive in the circle logic thing, right? Is it a blog if there's nothing on it? Is it a food if it's not to be eaten? This is all really confusing, or is it just me? I'm not sure I can handle this kind of pressure, can you? How do you post on a blog about nothing?

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